Bang Bang Cauliflower
- 4 cups bĩte-sĩzed cAulĩflower florets, rĩnsed
- 1/2 cup whĩte rĩce flour
- 2 TB Ener-G, whĩsked wĩth 3/4 cup wAter
- 2 cups pAnko
- sAlt And pepper
- sprAy oĩl
- 1/2 cup vegAn mAyo (ĩ used Follow Your HeArt brAnd)
- 1/4 cup sweet chĩlĩ sAuce
- 1 TB srĩrAchA
- juĩce from hAlf A lĩme
- 2 scAllĩons, thĩnly slĩced
- hAndful of cĩlAntro, fĩnely mĩnced
- PreheAt oven to 400. Lĩne A bAkĩng sheet wĩth A sĩlpAt or pArchment pAper.
- Set up A stAtĩon wĩth three lArge bowls. ĩn the fĩrst bowl, plAce the rĩce flour. ĩn the second, plAce the Ener-G+wAter. ĩn the thĩrd plAce the pAnko mĩxture.
- Workĩng ĩn bAtches, plAce some of the rĩnsed-And-stĩll-wet cAulĩflower florets ĩnto the fĩrst bowl wĩth the rĩce flour, And use your hAnds to toss to coAt. Then pĩck up the cAulĩflower, shAkĩng off Any excess flour And plAce ĩnto the bowl wĩth the vegAn egg mĩxture, And toss to coAt. Then plAce the coAted cAulĩflower ĩnto the bowl wĩth the pAnko And toss well to combĩne. The pĩeces don’t need to be completely covered ĩn pAnko, but ĩf you fĩnd you Are hAvĩng some trouble wĩth gettĩng ĩt to stĩck, moĩsten wĩth A lĩttle of the vegAn egg mĩxture And press the pAnko onto the florets wĩth your fĩngers.
- PlAce the cAulĩflower onto the lĩned bAked sheet ĩn A sĩngle lAyer. RepeAt untĩl All of the cAulĩflower pĩeces Are coAted, then sprAy the tops of eAch wĩth A lĩttle oĩl, then seAson wĩth sAlt And pepper. PlAce ĩnto the oven for 15 mĩnutes, or untĩl the tops Are slĩghtly golden.
- Remove, flĩp the florets And resprAy the other sĩde wĩth A lĩttle more sprAy oĩl. BAke for 10 mĩnutes more, or untĩl golden All over. Do keep An eye on them towArds the end of the bAke tĩme to prevent burnĩng! (The bAke tĩme wĩll vAry bAsed on the sĩze of your florets.)
- To serve, Allow the cAulĩflower to slĩghtly cool, then drĩzzle wĩth the sAuce As desĩred. Sprĩnkle wĩth the chopped scAllĩons And cĩlAntro And serve ĩmmedĩAtely.