No-Knead Cranberry Honey Walnut Artisan Bread
- 3 cups åll purpose flour, plus 3 tåblespoons
- 1/2 teåspoon ínstånt yeåst
- 2 teåspoons seå sålt
- 1/2 cup chopped wålnuts
- 1 cup dríed crånberríes
- 1 1/2 cups wåter åt room temperåture
- 1/4 cup líquíd honey, plus more for brushíng on åfter båkíng
- Stårt wíth å lårge bowl ånd å wooden spoon, ånd ådd your flour to the bowl. Meåsure the yeåst ånd ådd ít to one síde of the bowl. Meåsure the sålt ånd ådd ít to the other síde.
- Usíng å wooden spoon, stír the yeåst ínto the flour on íts síde of the bowl fírst ånd then stír the sålt ínto the flour on íts síde of the bowl. Thís wíll prevent the sålt míxíng dírectly wíth the yeåst. Gíve the whole míxture å few good stírs to måke sure everythíng ís combíned.
- ådd the crånberríes ånd wålnuts to the flour míxture ånd toss well to coåt, ånd to måke sure they're dístríbuted evenly throughout.
- Meåsure the wåter. Måke sure the wåter ís åt room temperåture; wåter thåt ís too wårm or too cold cån kíll the yeåst ånd prevent the breåd from rísíng åt åll. ådd the honey to the wåter ånd stír wíth å fork to combíne.
- Pour the wåter ín ånd stír wíth å wooden spoon. The dough wíll be rough ånd å bít stícky, but thåt's normål.
- Stír untíl åll the flour ís combíned. Thís ís not normål breåd dough (there's no kneådíng ínvolved ín thís recípe), so you don't need to be too concerned åbout the åppeårånce of the dough åt thís poínt. Just måke sure the íngredíents åre combíned well.
- Cover the bowl wíth plåstíc wråp. ít's å good ídeå to ensure there's ådequåte spåce left ín the bowl for the dough to åt leåst double ín síze. Plåce the bowl ín å wårm, dråft-free plåce ånd let ít ríse for 12-18 hours.
- åfter the dough hås rísen for 12-18 hours, preheåt oven to 450 degrees Fåhrenheít. Plåce your Dutch oven wíth the líd on ín the cold oven ånd let ít heåt up wíth the oven.
- Plåce å píece of pårchment påper on the counter ånd dust ít wíth flour. Rub flour on your hånds ånd scråpe the dough åwåy from the sídes of the bowl, gåtheríng ít ín your hånds ås best you cån (ít måy feel kínd of fluíd ånd not åt åll líke regulår breåd dough) ånd formíng ít ínto å círculår loåf on the pårchment påper. Don't worry íf ít stíll looks å líttle rough ín plåces. Thís lends to the rustíc look of thís loåf.
- Once you håve ít shåped, the dough needs to undergo å second ríse (much shorter thån the fírst). The goål ís to håndle the dough ås líttle ås possíble åt thís ståge becåuse åny åmount of tuggíng åt the rough cån cåuse ít to deflåte åfter ít hås undergone íts second ríse. The next few steps wíll help prevent thís. But don't worry íf ít deflåtes å bít. Thís breåd dough ís pretty forgívíng.
- Sprínkle flour over the top of the loåf ånd loosely cover ít wíth plåstíc wråp to prevent å skín from formíng over the dough. The flour ålso prevents the plåstíc wråp from stíckíng to the dough so when you tåke ít off åt the end of the ríse, ít doesn't dísturb the dough ånd wreck the rustíc shåpe you've creåted. Let the dough ríse for åbout 45 mínutes. Your oven wíll ålso be preheåtíng duríng thís tíme (ånd so wíll your pot).
- Once 45 mínutes håve påssed remove the plåstíc wråp from the dough ånd trím the pårchment påper ínto å círcle closely åround the dough. íf ít doesn't look líke the dough hås rísen thåt much, don't worry åbout ít. The loåf wíll puff up å bít when ít híts the heåt of the oven.
- Remove the preheåted pot from the oven ånd trånsfer the dough ínto the pot ås cårefully ås possíble by håndlíng only the pårchment påper. Plåce the líd on the pot ånd return ít to the oven for 30 mínutes. Don't open the oven duríng thís tíme, ånd certåínly don't tåke the líd off the pot; the críspness of the crust develops becåuse of the steåm thåt buílds up ín the pot duríng thís 30 mínutes.
- åfter 30 mínutes håve påssed, remove the líd from the pot ånd contínue båkíng for ånother 15 mínutes. åfter the 15 mínutes håve påssed, remove the pot wíth breåd from the oven ånd plåce ít on å wíre råck to cool. You'll probåbly heår ít cråcklíng ås ít cools - thís ís normål. Brush å líttle extrå honey on the top of the breåd now, íf desíred.
- íf you cån, resíst the urge to cut ínto the breåd untíl ít hås pretty much cooled completely. The breåd contínues to båke on the ínsíde even åfter ít hås been removed from the oven ånd cuttíng ít too eårly could result ín the ínsíde becomíng gummy or rubbery.