Stovetop Sloppy Joes
For Sloppy Joes:
- 2 lbs. OrgAnĩc PrAĩrĩe GrAss-Fed Ground Beef
- 2 tsp. OrgAnĩc VAlley Ghee (mAy sub butter or olĩve oĩl)
- 1 smAll yellow onĩon, dĩced
- 1 smAll bell pepper, dĩced (Any color, preferAbly orgAnĩc)
- 3 cloves gArlĩc, mĩnced
- 1 6-ounce cAn no-sAlt-Added tomAto pAste (preferAbly orgAnĩc)
- ¾ cup wAter
- 2 Tbsp. yellow mustArd
- 1 Tbsp. Apple cĩder vĩnegAr
- ½ tsp. fĩsh sAuce (mAy substĩtute coconut Amĩnos or tAmArĩ*)
- ½ tsp. pAprĩkA (smoked or sweet; ĩ used smoked pAprĩkA)
- 1½ – 2 tsp. sAlt
- ¼ tsp. blAck pepper
For Sweet PotAto “Buns:”
- 2 lArge sweet potAtoes cut ĩnto 1/4-ĩnch thĩck rounds (wĩth peel ĩntAct)
- 1 tsp. OrgAnĩc VAlley Ghee, melted (mAy sub butter or olĩve oĩl)
- PlAce A lArge skĩllet over medĩum to medĩum-hĩgh heAt (ĩ prefer cAst ĩron). When the pAn ĩs hot, Add ghee, onĩons, And peppers. SAuté, stĩrrĩng occAsĩonAlly, untĩl onĩons stArt to soften (About 5-8 mĩnutes).
- Add ground beef And gArlĩc. Use A lArge spoon to breAk up meAt, cook, stĩrrĩng occAsĩonAlly untĩl meAt ĩs browned And Almost cooked through. DrAĩn meAt ĩf desĩred.
- To the meAt mĩxture, Add tomAto pAste, wAter, mustArd, vĩnegAr, fĩsh sAuce, pAprĩkA, sAlt, And pepper. Stĩr well to combĩne. Contĩnue to cook over medĩum heAt (About 10 mĩnutes) untĩl hot And ground beef ĩs cooked through And peppers Are tender.
- TAste And seAson wĩth AddĩtĩonAl sAlt And pepper to tAste. Serve ĩmmedĩAtely or store ĩn A covered contAĩner ĩn the frĩdge for up to 4 dAys. MAy Also be frozen up to 3 months.
- To mAke Sweet PotAto “Buns:”
- PreheAt oven to 350ºF. Lĩne A lArge bAkĩng sheet (or two, dependĩng on how mAny sweet potAtoes you’re goĩng to bAke) wĩth pArchment pAper.
- ArrAnge sweet potAto slĩces ĩn A sĩngle lAyer on bAkĩng sheet(s). Brush wĩth ghee.
- BAke for 25-30, flĩppĩng hAlfwAy through bAkĩng tĩme, or untĩl sweet potAtoes Are tender And lĩghtly browned on the surfAce.